On November 18, 2008, the Board of County Commissioners approved the Beardall Avenue PD (Planned Development) consisting of uses permitted under the M-1A (Very Light Industrial) zoning district including outdoor storage. The Developer did not submit for a Final Development Plan or Engineered Site Plan; therefore, the PD entitlements have since expired.
The Applicant proposes to develop the subject site as an office with a contractor’s equipment storage yard as an ancillary use. The Master Development Plan proposes a 3,500 square foot office building and an 8,000 square foot maintenance building. The office building will be located in the front of the subject site adjacent to Beardall Avenue, and the maintenance building will be located in the area designated as the “Laydown Yard” where the contractor’s equipment will be stored and maintained. The PD proposes a maximum Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R) of 0.06, and a maximum building height of thirty-five (35) feet. All outdoor storage will be screened from view by a six (6) foot high wall and landscaping.
The site is identified as being located in Sub Area 4 under the Seminole County/City of Sanford Joint Planning Agreement (JPA); Sub Area 4 of the JPA promotes uses that are compatible with airport noise such as industrial parks, commercial developments and office complexes. The City of Sanford has reviewed the proposed development and has determined that it is consistent with the JPA.
The subject property has a Higher Intensity Planned Development – Airport (HIP-AP) future land use designation, which permits a maximum F.A.R of 1.0.
The Future Land Use and zoning designations of the surrounding area are as follows:
North – City of Sanford - Airport Industry & Commerce and Restricted Industrial.
West – City of Sanford - Airport Industry & Commerce and Restricted Industrial.
East – Beardall Avenue - High Intensity Planned Development-Airport and A-1 (Agriculture).
South –High Intensity Planned Development-Airport and A-1 (Agriculture).
Site Analysis
Floodplain Impacts:
Based on the 2007 FIRM map there does not appear to be floodplain on the subject property.
Wetland Impacts:
Based on preliminary County wetland map analysis the site contains wetlands. A fifteen (15) foot minimum, twenty-five (25) foot overall average wetland buffer will be required.
The site is located within the City of Sanford utility service area; however, utilities are currently not available. Water and sewer will be provided by well and septic.
The site has existing access onto Beardall Avenue, which is classified as a Local Road and does not have improvements programmed in the County five (5) year Capital Improvement Program. The developer will be required to dedicate five feet along Beardall Avenue to Seminole County.
The developer will be required to construct a five (5) foot wide sidewalk along Beardall Avenue. The developer shall provide a connection to sidewalks outside of the development.
The proposed project is located within the Lake Jessup Drainage Basin, and has downstream capacity. Based on preliminary review, the site will be required to hold water quality and not exceed the predevelopment rate of discharge for the twenty-five (25) year, twenty-four (24) hour storm event.
The developer will provide a minimum ten (10) foot landscape buffer along the north, south, and west perimeter with a six (6) foot high wall, and a twenty-five (25) foot buffer along Beardall Avenue. Buffer components shall be determined at Final Development Plan.
Open Space:
Twenty percent (20%) open space will be provided on the subject property.
Consistency with the Land Development Code
The Planned Development (PD) zoning designation and the associated Master Development Plan have been evaluated for compatibility with the Land Development Code of Seminole County in accordance with Chapter 30, Part 25.
The request is consistent with the Land Development Code of Seminole County and the surrounding area. The proposed project supports the objectives of the PD zoning designation in that it provides the required minimum of twenty (20) percent open space, adequate landscape buffering with a six (6) foot high wall to foster compatibility and screen the outdoor storage area from view, and architectural renderings will be incorporated into the PD Development Order.
The previously approved PD permitted M-1A (Very Light Industrial) uses and outdoor storage; therefore, staff finds the proposed PD zoning classification to be consistent and compatible with the trend of development in the area.
Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan
The purpose and intent of the existing Higher Intensity Planned Development – Airport (HIP-AP) future land use designation is to ensure a land use pattern surrounding the Orlando Sanford International Airport that is compatible with the operation and expansion. The maximum intensity permitted in the HIP-AP designation is an F.A.R. of 1.0. This land use is designated along major expressway, collector, and arterial roadway corridors, and interchange areas where location factors and higher land values tend to attract higher intensity development.
The HIP-AP future land use designation has been implemented to encourage and foster uses that may be less objectionable to aircraft noise, such as industrial parks, warehouses, corporate business parks, office complexes, commercial developments and attendant retail, service, and hotel uses.
Staff finds the request to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the trend of development in the area. The area has been transitioning from agricultural and residential uses to more intense industrial uses which are more compatible and consistent with the existing future land use designation on the property. The site is adjacent to the Orlando-Sanford International Airport on the west, the City of Sanford-Airport Industry land use to the north, and HIP-AP future land use to the south and east.
Staff finds the proposed development to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the surrounding developments in the area.
Planning and Zoning Commission
The Planning and Zoning Commission met on September 1, 2021 and voted unanimously to recommend the Board of County Commissioners adopt the proposed Ordinance enacting a Rezone from PD (Planned Development) to PD (Planned Development) and approve the associated Development Order and Master Plan for 5.94 acres, located on the west side of Beardall Avenue, approximately 500 feet north of Moores Station Road.