Item Coversheet



Seminole County and Sanford Main Street Tourism Agreement

Agenda Memorandum
File Number: 2021 - 2965


Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a tourism grant agreement with Sanford Main Street, Inc. in the amount of $50,000 for the FY2021/22 funding allocation for marketing and advertising. Countywide (Tricia Johnson, Deputy County Manager)

Tourism Development
Contact/Phone Number:

In 2020, Seminole County Tourism initiated a marketing and advertising grant for the purposes of supporting local efforts to advertise events and other attractions to promote Seminole County to out-of-area visitors. Per section 125.0104, Florida Statutes, known as the Local Option Tourist Development Act, the Tourist Development Tax (TDT) may be used to promote and advertise tourism for the purposes of attracting visitors. 


Sanford Main Street, Inc. is a certified program under the umbrella of the Florida Main Street and Main Street America programs. It is a 501(c)6 organization under the laws of the State of Florida with a seven-member voting board and three ex-officio members. The Board includes one ex-officio seat for Seminole County Tourism.


Sanford Main Street, Inc. is funded via public-private partnerships, which include the City of Sanford, the City of Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency ($125k combined), and various private industry support ($40,000). Total support, less the proposed $50,000 grant, is $225,000. The City of Sanford works closely with Seminole County Tourism to encourage marketing of the City as a destination. This grant provides the City, County, and Sanford's business community increased ownership over the marketing of local businesses and attractions.


Seminole County Tourism will continue to work with Sanford Main Street to ensure advertising dollars are spent within Section 125.0104 parameters while also aligning with Seminole County Tourism's overall marketing strategy. 


Agreement terms include: 


  • Sanford Main Street may only use grant funds to promote out-of-county tourism. Funds may not be expended on wages or salaries, feasibility studies, facilities, or administrative expenses; 
  • Per Statute, funds must be used to market to visitors located outside a 75-mile radius of the City of Sanford; 
  • Main Street will submit advertisement and promotion copy paid for with TDT dollars to Seminole County Tourism for review and approval;
  • Main Street shall provide and maintain on ex-officio seat on the Sanford Main Street, Inc. Board for a representative of Seminole County Tourism staff; and
  • Main Street shall present at Tourist Development Council meetings as requested for performance updates. 


Tourist Development Council Recommendation


At the August 19, 2021 meeting, the Tourist Development Council recommended approval for funding up to a total maximum sum of $50,000 for this grant allocation for marketing and advertising. 


Funding History


FY2020/21         $50,000


The amount requested is budgeted in the FY2021/22 Tourism Development budget. 


Staff Recommendation:

Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a tourism grant agreement with Sanford Main Street, Inc. in the amount of $50,000 for the FY2021/22 funding allocation for marketing and advertising. 

Sanford Main Street Funding Agreement
Main Street Grant Application FY2021_22