Item Coversheet



Cove at Riverbend SSFLUA and PD Rezone

Agenda Memorandum
File Number: 2021 - 3061


Cove at Riverbend Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment and PD Rezone – Consider a Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from Suburban Estates to Low Density Residential and a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development) for a thirty-eight (38) lot single family residential subdivision on approximately 9.60 acres, located on the east side of Cameron Avenue and west of Celery Avenue, approximately ¼ mile west of Lake Mary Boulevard; (Z2021-29/08.20SS.04) (Chris Tyree- Foresta Real Estate Group, Applicant) District5 - Herr (Annie Sillaway, Project Manager)

Planning and Development
Contact/Phone Number:
Annie Sillaway 407-665-7936

1.   Recommend the Board of County Commissioners adopt the proposed Ordinance enacting a Small-Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from Suburban Estates Low Density Residential and adopt the Ordinance enacting a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development) and approve the associated Development Order and Master Development Plan for approximately 9.60 acres, located on the east side of Cameron Avenue and west of Celery Avenue, approximately ¼ mile west of Lake Mary Boulevard; or


2.  Recommend the Board of County Commissioners deny the Ordinance enacting a Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from Suburban Estates to Low Density Residential and deny the Ordinance enacting a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development), and deny the associated Development Order and Master Development Plan for approximately 9.60 acres, located on    the located on the east side of Cameron Avenue and west of Celery Avenue, approximately ¼ mile west of Lake Mary    Boulevard; or


3.  Continue the request to a time and date certain.


The Applicant is requesting a Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from Suburban Estates to Low Density Residential and a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to Planned Development (PD) in order to develop the subject property as a single-family residential subdivision with a density of 3.96 dwelling units per net buildable acre for a maximum of 38 residential lots with a lot size of 5,500 square feet.


The subject property is located within Sub-Area 2 of the Sanford Joint Planning Agreement, which allows a maximum of four (4) dwelling units per net buildable acre and is consistent with the allowable trend of development within the area.


The subject property currently has a Suburban Estates future land use designation, which allows a maximum net density of one (1) dwelling unit per net buildable acre. The intent of the Suburban Estates land use designation is to provide appropriate locations for the development of large single-family estates lots.


The proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment would change the future land use of the subject property from Suburban Estates to Low Density Residential with a maximum net density of four (4) dwelling units per net buildable acre. The intent of the Low Density Residential land use designation is to provide appropriate locations for the standard detached single family residences, which serves as an effective transitional use between more intense urban uses and suburban estates.


The Future Land Use and zoning designations of the surrounding area are as follows:

 East:           Celery Avenue

                   Future Land Use: Suburban Estates

Zoning: A-1 (Agriculture)


West:          Cameron Avenue

                   Future Land Use: Suburban Estates

                   Zoning: A-1 (Agriculture)


North:         Future Land Use: Suburban Estates

                   Zoning: A-1 (Agriculture)


 South:         Future Land Use: Planned Development

Zoning: PD (Planned Development) Cameron Heights Village F that has a maximum density of four (4) dwelling units per net buildable area. Lots that shall be no less than fifty (50) feet wide and 5,000 square feet in size, and corner lots shall be at least 5,750 square feet in size.


Site Analysis


 Tree Preservation:


The Developer is proposing tree preservation on the Master Development Plan area along the northern and eastern parts of the proposed development. A more defined study to show tree preservation will be required at the time of Final Development Plan.


Community Meeting:


A Community Meeting for this project was held on October 4, 2021, approximately three (3) people attended. A copy of the Community meeting minutes and sign-in sheet are attached.


Floodplain Impacts:


Based on FIRM map with an effective date of 2007, there appears to be no floodplains on the subject property.


Wetland Impacts:


Based on preliminary aerial photo and County wetland map analysis, there appears to be no wetlands on the subject property. If applicable, a topographic survey showing wetland and floodplain delineations will be required at Final Development Plan.


Endangered and Threatened Wildlife:


Based on a preliminary analysis, there may be endangered and threatened wildlife on the subject property. A wildlife survey of those species designated as an endangered species, a threatened species or a species of special concern may be required prior to Site Plan or Final Engineering approval.




The subject site is located in the City of Sanford utility service area.




The property proposes access onto Cameron Avenue, which is classified as a local roadway.  Cameron Avenue does not have improvements programmed in the County five (5) year Capital Improvement Program.  Cameron Avenue does not meet county standard. The Developer will be required to improve Cameron Avenue to county standards to the nearest county standard roadway and dedicate additional right-of-way along the property frontage to accommodate roadway improvements.




The property fronts Cameron Avenue and Celery Avenue, neither frontage has existing sidewalks. The Developer will be required to build a five (5) foot sidewalk along Cameron Avenue and a Celery Avenue.




The proposed project is located within the Midway Drainage Basin. Based on the new Midway Drainage Basin Study the outfall has limited downstream capacity. Therefore, the site will have to be designed to hold water quality and show downstream capacity or hold up to the entire twenty-five (25) year, twenty-four (24) hour storm event onsite.




The Applicant proposes a ten (10) foot buffer along the north portion of the subject property line; a ten (10) foot buffer along the east property line adjacent to Celery Avenue; and a ten (10) foot buffer along the west property line adjacent to Cameron Avenue. Buffer components will be established at Final Development Plan.


Open Space:


Fifteen percent (15%) common usable open space will be provided on the subject property including the retention ponds. Retention ponds that will be counted toward open space area are subject to the pond being sodded or dressed with ground cover; and landscaped to include aesthetic features and amenities such as benches and/or picnic tables.


Public School Capacity Determination:


Seminole County Public Schools provided a School Impact Analysis/School Capacity Determination for the proposed project based on Concurrency Service Area (CSA) and zoned schools for the property. The analysis concluded that the students generated by the project at the three (3) Concurrency Service Area (CSA) levels would, at this time, be able to be accommodated without exceeding the adopted level of service (LOS) for each CSA by school type.  The analysis notes this is a nonbinding review, the numbers are for informational purposes, and as indicated in the analysis, may not represent future conditions when final approval will require a School Capacity Availability Letter of Determination (SCALD) reservation letter from the School Board. The School Capacity Availability letter will be required at the time of the Final Development Plan.


Consistency with the Land Development Code


The proposed PD zoning designation and the associated Master Development Plan have been evaluated for compatibility with the Land Development Code of Seminole County in accordance with Chapter 30, Part 25.

The request is consistent with the Land Development Code of Seminole County and the surrounding area. The proposed project supports the objectives of the PD zoning designation in that it provides the required minimum of fifteen percent (15%) open space and provides adequate buffering to maintain compatibility between the proposed development and adjacent properties.

Staff finds the requested PD zoning classification to be consistent with the Land Development Code and compatible with the trend of development in the area.


Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan


Under Policy FLU 2.9 Determination of Compatibility in the Planned Development Zoning Classification, the County shall consider uses or structures proposed within the Planned Development zoning classification on a case by case basis evaluating the compatibility of the proposed use or structure with surrounding neighborhoods and uses. Compatibility may be achieved by application of performance standards such as, but not limited to, lot size, setbacks, buffering, landscaping, hours of operation, lighting, and building heights.


The proposed Master Development Plan is compatible with the surrounding trend of development in the area and is consistent with both the allowable use and density provisions of the Low Density Residential (LDR) future land use designation. The Plan provides an adequate buffer between the proposed development’s maximum density of 2.33 dwelling units per net buildable acre and surrounding Low Density Residential (LDR) at up to four (4) units per acre.


Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation

The Planning & Zoning Commission met on November 3, 2021, and voted unanimously to recommend the Board of County Commissioners adopt the request for a Small Scale Land Use Amendment from Suburban Estates to Low Density Residential, and adopt the associated Ordinance enacting a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development) and approve the associated Development Order and Master Development Plan for a thirty-eight (38) lot single family residential subdivision on approximately 9.60 acres, located on the east side of Cameron Avenue and west of Celery Avenue, approximately ¼ mile west of Lake Mary Boulevard.

Staff Recommendation:

Recommends the Board of County Commissioners adopt the proposed Ordinance enacting a Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from Suburban Estates to Low Density Residential and a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development) for a thirty-eight (38) lot single family residential subdivision on approximately 9.60 acres, located on the east side of Cameron Avenue and west of Celery Avenue, approximately ¼ mile west of Lake Mary Boulevard.
