Item Coversheet



Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County, Florida and City of Winter Park, Florida regarding the Tanglewood Canal Improvements

Agenda Memorandum
File Number: 2021 - 3060


Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Seminole County and City of Winter Park Interlocal Agreement regarding the Tanglewood Canal Improvements with only the construction costs of the Project, estimated at $1,015,800.00, being shared and paid equally by the County and the City.  District4 - Lockhart (Jean Jreij, Public Works Director)

Contact/Phone Number:
David Martin - 407-665-5610

This Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and the City of Winter Park will facilitate the Tanglewood Canal Drainage Improvements.  The Project will be completed under the direction of the City’s Project Management, Design, Construction, and Construction Engineering Inspection.  Only the construction costs of the Project, estimated to be approximately $1,015,800.00, will be shared and paid equally by the County and the City in the manner set forth in the Agreement. 


Certain properties within the Tanglewood subdivision on the west side of Lake Howell Road and certain properties within the Interlachen subdivision on the east side of Arbor Park Drive abut an approximately 15-foot wide by 1,842-foot long trapezoidal drainage ditch and some segments of buried pipe (in the Agreement referred to as "Drainage Ditch") which Drainage Ditch is located approximately between the southern boundary of Glen Haven Cemetery and Briarcliff Road within some publicly dedicated easement areas which area is generally depicted on the Agreement’s Exhibit "A”, (in the Agreement referred to as "Drainage Ditch Area").  Flooding in the areas of North Lakemont Avenue, Lake Howell Road, and Arbor Park Drive within the County and the City occurs during certain storm events.  The Drainage Ditch does not provide adequate stormwater drainage conveyance in these areas.  In order to improve the stormwater drainage in these areas of the County and the City and in proximity to and as affected by stormwater conveyance in the Drainage Ditch, the parties wish to implement certain drainage improvements in the locations as described and specified in Agreement’s Section 2 and on Exhibit "B”, (in the Agreement referred to as the "Drainage Improvements").   


The Drainage Improvements Project includes construction and installation of two separate concrete pipelines sections to direct and accommodate stormwater from the Drainage Ditch to existing stormwater drainage facilities located in the Interlachen Drainage Canal System.  Areas within the Drainage Ditch where buried pipe exists will be modified to remove the buried pipe and graded to form a shallow grassed swale to direct run off from adjacent lots to the Drainage Improvements. 


The northern portion of the Project consists of the Drainage Improvements as follows: A pipeline will be installed to transport stormwater from the Drainage Ditch Area, under Lake Howell Road, to the existing Interlachen Drainage Canal System.  Beginning at the southern boundary of Glen Haven Cemetery, a new elliptical concrete pipeline will be installed running south to a storm manhole within the Oneco right-of-way.  From the first storm manhole, an elliptical concrete pipeline will be installed in an east-south-east direction, beneath the Oneco right-of-way and under Lake Howell Road to a second storm manhole.  From the second storm manhole, an elliptical concrete pipeline will be installed running south to a third storm manhole.  At the third storm manhole, an elliptical concrete pipeline will be installed running east and connecting to the Interlachen Drainage Canal System.


The southern portion of the Project consists of the Drainage Improvements as follows: This portion of the Project requires the replacement of the existing pipeline within the Interlachen Neighborhood and the installation of a new pipeline within the Drainage Ditch Area to connect the replacement pipeline to an existing stormwater drainage pipe as follows.  The southern portion of the Project begins at the southwest comer of Palm Avenue and Arbor Park Drive.  The existing 30-inch pipeline running east under Arbor Park Drive, parallel to Palm Avenue and draining into the Drainage Ditch, will be replaced with an appropriately sized new round concrete pipe.  Such pipeline will be constructed under Arbor Park Drive and connect to a storm manhole located below or within the Drainage Ditch.  From this storm manhole, a new round concrete pipe will be constructed running south to an existing 56-inch drainage pipe at the southern end of the Drainage Ditch.

Staff Recommendation:

Staff recommends the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Seminole County and City of Winter Park Interlocal Agreement regarding the Tanglewood Canal Improvements with only the construction costs of the Project, estimated at $1,015,800.00, being shared and paid equally by the County and the City.

Location Map
Interlocal Agreement