Item Coversheet



Hiddenwoods Reserve PD Rezone

Agenda Memorandum
File Number: 2021 - 2975


Continued from the November 9, 2021 BCC Meeting Agenda Hiddenwoods Reserve PD Rezone Consider a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development) for a twenty-five (25) lot single family residential subdivision on 9.42 acres, located approximately ¼ mile west of the intersection of Virginia Avenue and Sheppard Street; (Z2021-11) (Green Slate Land Development, Applicant) District3 – Constantine (Joy Giles, Project Manager)

Planning and Development
Contact/Phone Number:
Joy Giles 407-665-7399

1.  Adopt the proposed Ordinance enacting a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development), and approve the associated Master Development Plan and Development Order for 9.42 acres, located approximately ¼ mile west of the intersection of Virginia Avenue and Sheppard Street; or


2.  Deny adoption of the proposed Ordinance enacting a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development), and deny approval of the associated Master Development Plan and Development Order for 9.42 acres, located approximately ¼ mile west of the intersection of Virginia Avenue and Sheppard Street; or


3.  Continue the request to a time and date certain.


The Applicant is requesting a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development) in order to develop the subject property as a single-family residential subdivision with a density of 2.8 dwelling units per net buildable acre for a maximum of twenty-five (25) lots on 9.42 acres. The proposed minimum lot size for interior lots is 8,050 square feet with a minimum lot width of seventy (70) feet, and the proposed lots along the north and south perimeter would have a minimum lot size of 10,800 square feet with a minimum lot width of ninety (90) feet.


The subject property has a Low Density Residential future land use designation, which allows a maximum density of four (4) dwelling units per net buildable acre. The intent of the Low Density Residential future land use designation is to provide appropriate locations for standard detached single family residences. The subject property is considered infill development, as it is the only undeveloped property with a Low Density Residential future land use designation within a ½ mile radius.


The Future Land Use (FLU) and Zoning designations surrounding the subject property are as follows:

West – Interstate-4

North – FLU: Low Density Residential

 Zoning: R-1AA (Single Family Dwelling) with a minimum lot

 size of 11,700 square feet and a minimum width at building line

 of ninety (90) feet.

South – FLU: Low Density Residential

 Zoning: R-1AA (Single Family Dwelling) with a minimum lot

 size of 11,700 square feet and a minimum width at building line

 of ninety (90) feet.

East – FLU: Low Density Residential

 Zoning: R-1AA (Single Family Dwelling) with a minimum lot

 size of 11,700 square feet and a minimum width at building line

 of ninety (90) feet.


Site Analysis

Floodplain Impacts:

Based on the 2007 FIRM map, there does not appear to be any flood prone area on the subject property. 

Wetland Impacts:

Based on preliminary aerial photo and County wetland map analysis, there does not appear to be any wetlands on the subject property.

Endangered and Threatened Wildlife:

Based on a preliminary analysis, there may be endangered and threatened wildlife on the subject property.  A listed species survey will be required prior to approval of Final Engineering.



The site is located within the Seminole County utility service area and will be required to connect to public utilities for both water and sewer; capacity is currently available to serve the proposed development.


There is an eight (8) inch water main on the east side of the un-improved segment of Raymond Ave. The County has an eight (8) inch gravity sewer on Raymond Oaks Court, approximately 500 feet south of the subject site; the development may connect to the County's sewer system through this point.

The subject property is not located within the ten (10) year master plan for reclaimed water.



The Applicant originally proposed accessed onto Raymond Avenue contingent upon the Board of County Commissioner’s approval to adopt the Resolution to open the portion of Raymond Avenue that was previously closed by Resolution #96-R-6, by the Board of County Commissioners on January 9, 1996. At the November 9, 2021, BCC public Hearing, the Board voted to deny adoption of the Resolution to open Raymond Avenue; therefore, the Applicant now proposes that the proposed subdivision access onto Oakhurst Street.


Oakhurst Street is classified as a local road and does not have improvements programmed in the County’s five (5) year Capital Improvement Program.  The Developer will be required to improve Oakhurst Street to County standards for road width, pavement, and a sidewalk on one (1) side of the street. The Applicant is requesting waivers from the BCC for some of the road improvement requirements.



The Developer is required to construct a five (5) foot sidewalk along Oakhurst Street from the entrance of the development to Virginia Avenue.



The proposed project is located within the Little Wekiva Drainage Basin and is landlocked. The site will have to be modeled and designed to hold the entire 100-year, twenty-four (24) hour storm event onsite.



The Applicant proposes a ten (10) foot wide buffer along the north and south perimeter, and a fifteen (15) foot wide buffer along the east perimeter.  The retention pond will be located along the west perimeter. Buffer components will be determined at Final Development Plan.


Open Space:


Fifteen (15) percent common usable open space will be provided on the subject property. The Applicant will dedicate twenty-five (25) feet along the north perimeter, and thirty (30) feet along a portion of the east perimeter to Seminole County for right-of-way; and therefore, proposes to utilize all required buffers towards the minimum open space requirement.


Public School Capacity Determination:

Seminole County Public Schools provided a School Impact Analysis School Capacity Determination for the proposed project based on Concurrency Service Area (CSA) and zoned schools for the property. The analysis concluded that the students generated by the project at this time, would not be accommodated without exceeding the adopted level of service (LOS) for the currently zoned Elementary school and Middle school. However, per the adopted Interlocal Agreement between the School District and Seminole County, available school capacity is based on CSA. The analysis concluded that the students generated by the project at the three (3) CSA levels would, at this time, be able to be accommodated without exceeding the adopted LOS for each CSA by school type.  The analysis notes this is a nonbinding review for informational purposes and as indicated in the analysis may not represent future conditions when final approval requires a School Capacity Availability Letter of Determination (SCALD) reservation letter from the School board.


Consistency with the Land Development Code

The proposed PD zoning classification and the associated Master Development Plan have been evaluated for compatibility with the Land Development Code of Seminole County in accordance with Chapter 30, Part 25.


The request is consistent with the Land Development Code of Seminole County and the surrounding area. The proposed project supports the objectives of the PD zoning classification in that it will provide the minimum fifteen (15) percent open space; adequate landscape buffers; and a minimum lot size of 8,050 square feet for interior lots, with a transition to 10,800 square-foot lots adjacent to the north and south perimeter.


The subject site is surrounded by the R-1AA (Single Family Dwelling) zoning classification requiring a minimum lot size of 11,700 square feet; however, some developments are part of antiquated plats that do not meet the minimum lot size requirements.  The West Altamonte Heights subdivision directly adjacent to the east which encompasses the lots on Sheppard Street, Oakhurst Street, Ridgewood Street, and Alpine Street, range in lot size from 7,130 square feet to 14,260 square feet.


Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan

The subject property has a Low Density Residential future land use designation, which allows a maximum density of four (4) dwelling units per net buildable acre. The intent of the Low Density Residential future land use designation is to provide appropriate locations for standard detached single family residences.

Staff finds the proposed PD zoning classification to be compatible with the surrounding trend of development for both density and lot size. While the Low Density Residential future land use designation allows for a maximum density of four (4) dwelling units per net buildable acre, the development proposes a maximum density of 2.8 units per net buildable acre which is significantly less than the maximum allowable density.


In compliance with Seminole County Land Development Code Sec. 30.49 – Community Meeting Procedures, the Applicant conducted a community meeting on October 14, 2021.


Planning & Zoning Commission

The Planning and Zoning Commission Board met on December 1, 2021, to consider a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development) for a twenty-five (25) lot single family residential subdivision on 9.42 acres, located approximately ¼ mile west of the intersection of Virginia Avenue and Sheppard Street.


The Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation and meeting minutes will be distributed under separate cover.

Staff Recommendation:

Recommend the Board of County Commissioners adopt the proposed Ordinance enacting a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development), and approve the associated Master Development Plan and Development Order for 9.42 acres, located approximately ¼ mile west of the intersection of Virginia Avenue and Sheppard Street. 

P&Z Minutes