Item Coversheet



Rescue Outreach Mission - ARPA Funding Agreement

Agenda Memorandum
File Number: 2021 - 3075


Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement between Seminole County and Rescue Outreach Mission of Central Florida for American Rescue Plan Act Funding in the amount of $2,850,000 to be used for homelessness mitigation and operations of the emergency shelter as a result of negative economic impacts encountered due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, and execute two (2) Unilateral Termination of Agreements between Seminole County and Rescue Outreach Mission of Central Florida for American Rescue Plan Act Funding.  District5 (Allison Thall, Community Services Director)

Business Office
Contact/Phone Number:
Allison Thall/407-665-2301

Rescue Outreach Mission (ROM) provides emergency shelter facilities and homelessness diversion services for homeless residents in Seminole County.  


In July 2021, the County entered into a Funding Agreement in the amount of $523,000 for the purpose of ensuring long-term stability and appropriate investment of tax-payer resources.  This Agreement identified the funding sources available to provide ongoing operational support of the shelter.  The funding sources include Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG), ESG-COVID, and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. 


In September 2021, the County entered into an Agreement with American Rescue Plan Act funding in the amount of $350,000 for a two-year term for the salary of one executive director and the salary of one shelter staff person, to be hired by the executive director. 


It has been determined it is in the best interest of the County to have one agreement clearly specifying all the terms and conditions required of ROM to receive funding.  The Agreement will incorporate many of the terms and conditions from the previous agreements executed in July 2021, and September 2021, as well as additional terms and conditions.  As a result, the two Agreements, executed in July 2021, and September 2021, respectively, shall be unilaterally terminated.

Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement between Seminole County and Rescue Outreach Mission of Central Florida for American Rescue Plan Act Funding in the amount of $2,850,000  to be used for homelessness mitigation and operations of the emergency shelter as a result of negative economic impacts encountered due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, and execute two (2) Unilateral Termination of Agreements between Seminole County and Rescue Outreach Mission of Central Florida for American Rescue Plan Act Funding. 
ROM Agreement
Termination Agreement - Original
Termination Agreement - #1